時值感恩季節,僅藉此獻上主裡誠摯的請安和祝福! 本教會是由一群來自台灣熱心的兄姐聚集查經開始,自1985年開始聚會傳講基督福音迄今,即將於2015年跨越設教30週年。我們衷心感念往昔開創,建立教會的牧長及信仰前輩們,在聖地雅歌熱心傳揚耶穌基督的福音。此刻,面對設教30週年之際,我們滿懷感恩的承接設教的宣教使命,盼齊心努力奔向前程標竿,一切只為上帝的榮耀! 為此,我們特別策劃設教30週年慶祝活動,謹此邀請牧長,兄弟姊妹們出席參加。 慶祝活動:11月14日(週六)下午三時,感恩見證/音樂會/聚餐 感恩禮拜:11月15日(主日)上午10時,設教30週年感恩禮拜 殷切期盼大家一同參與見證上帝的恩典,分享感恩與喜樂,並共同領受上帝的祝福! |
2015 marks the 30th year of ministry for SDTPC. We're grateful to be called upon by God, starting out as a small fellowship of Christians from Taiwan in 1985 and evolving into the missionaries we are today. As the Thanksgiving season approaches, we invite all to celebrate this milestone with us.
Saturday, 11/14, 3:00 PM: We will be celebrating with a testimonial music concert, followed by a Thanksgiving dinner. Sunday, 11/15, 10:00 AM: We're dedicating our Sunday Service to the special anniversary and continuing our celebration with a luncheon. Please come share our gratitude and joy, participate in the testimony of God's grace, and experience blessings from the Lord! |