聖地雅歌台灣基督長老教會簡介 在 1985 年的春天,幾個在聖地雅歌的台灣基督徒家庭輪流在他們的家中開始了查經班。同年八月,借用 Tierra Santa Baptist Church 開始每主日的崇拜,並請吳得榮牧師為本會的首任牧師。教會正式取名為「聖地雅歌台灣福音教會」。 1989年春季,吳牧師因受到神的呼召,對中國大陸有傳福音的異象,離開本會。同年九月,執事會同意並經大會通過聘請賴聰哲牧師前來本會牧養。 1990 年六月因原聚會的教會改建,幾經波折,最後蒙神帶領,教會於在地點適中、交通方便的美國第一浸信教會找到聚會的場所。直到 2012 年底,蒙神帶領,由 Presbytery of San Diego 購得位於 La Mesa 靠近 SDSU 的現址。 為符合本會會員的信仰背景與為將來加入美國長老教會作準備,在 1993 年底,經會員大會全體出席會員通過,更改教會名稱為「聖地雅歌台灣基督長老教會」,沿用至今。且於 1998 年修改章程設立長老,選出首任長老人選與原有執事成立長執會,為本會行政機構,推行會員大會的決策。現有本會長老四名,執事六名。 2004 年起, 感謝上帝差派蔡尚男牧師來本會牧會至今。本會於 2007 年底正式加入美國長老教會 (PCUSA). 目前本會成人會員有70多名。每主日聚會人數約 70 ~ 90 人。台語主日崇拜於上午 10 時至 11 時 30 分舉行,英語主日崇拜亦同時於上午10 時至 11 時 30 分舉行。幼兒則於上午10 時參加兒童主日學。每主日於 12 時 30 分, 大家則一起午餐與交誼。區域團契/小組的聚會以每月一次至四次不等,視各團契/小組的需要而定。 我們深知教會的事工仍待擴展,教會的成長仍需努力。教會既然是神所揀選的一群人,被上帝所呼召從世界世俗的敗壞環境中選出,成為上帝的子民。我們共同的目的就是集在一起敬拜神、互相關懷並傳揚上帝的福音。聖地雅歌台灣基督長老教會即是一群聚在聖地雅歌的基督徒蒙神所召,秉持以聖經為根本,主耶穌基督的救贖福音為真理,向在此地的鄉親宣揚上帝的福音。這是我們的異象也是我們的使命。 |
About San Diego Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
In the Spring of 1985, several Taiwanese Christian families in the San Diego area began a small bible study group. In August of the same year, Sunday worship began at the facility of Tierra Santa Baptist Church with the help of the first installed pastor Rev. Wu. The congregation was officailly named "San Diego Taiwanese Gospel Church". During spring of 1989, at God's calling and with visions of missions in China, Rev. Wu embarked on a journey to Asia. After approval from the Session and members, the church welcomed Rev. Lai. In June of 1990, due to the reconstruction of the leased facility, God lead the congregation to the centrally and conveniently located First Baptist Church as a place of worship. Towards the end of 2012 and with God's blessing, the current location in La Mesa near SDSU was purchased from the Presbytery of San Diego. In 1993, in order to accommodate the faith background of the congregation and to prepare for membership in the Presbyterian Church of USA, the church changed its name to San Diego Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Furthermore, the bylaws were modified in 1998 to elect the first term elders, and together with existing deacons, the Session was formed to be the administrative body of the church and to promote the plans of the congregation. The current Session includes 4 elders and 6 deacons. In 2004, thanks to the Lord for sending Pastor Shang-NanTsai to the church. At Pastor Tsai and the Session's leadership, the church officially joined PCUSA at the end of 2007. The current church consists of 70+ adult members. Sunday worship attendance is between 70 and 90 people. Service conducted in Taiwanese takes place on Sundays from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the Sanctuary. A separate English service is provided concurrently at the Fellowship Hall. Children attend Sunday School at 10:00 AM as well. At 12:30 PM every Sunday, there is lunch and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. In addition to Sunday events, each small group meets from once to 4 times each month at various times and locations. We realize the need to extend and expand our ministry. Growth of the church will always need work. Church is a group of people chosen by God from worldly surroundings. Our mutual goal is to gather to worship the Lord, care after each other, and spread God's gospel. SDTPC is a group of people in San Diego called upon by God to advocate for Him with the truth of Jesus' salvation and the Bible as the foundation. This is our mission and vision! |